Friday, June 25, 2010

Grovia AIO Review

After much debate and thought about whether to purchase this diaper, I decided to go for it. My kiddo doesn't like to feel any wet-ness whatsoever, but we've been having trouble finding diapes that (I think) will actually fit her in the rise until she potty-learns... So, the GroVia AIO is pretty amazing! The stretchy wings are great, especially for my skinny, lean little girl (at 3 months old). Also this diaper is still on the smallest setting rise-wise. Which makes me HAPPY because her double & triple stuffed (HEAVY wetter!) BumGenius 3.0s diapers are on the middle & largest setting, just to fit in the rise! Maybe Evie has a strange build...? Speaking of stuffing... YOU DON'T HAVE TO! Sigh... Which really is a nice change if you're like me and have to stuff a load of pocket every day. Just snap in the extra insert, or leave it in. I leave mine in, and don't even unsnap it before it goes in the wash. It washed and dries fine just like this. I don't notice that this dipe takes very long to dry either... So, with all of that being said this is a nearly perfect diaper! I would rate it 9.5 after using for about a month:-) So if you're even remotely considering this dipe, you should go for it! You won't regret it!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

lime ricki swinwear!!!

Check out Mama B's blog for all the details! These suits are TOO cute!

My baby nest giveaway

follow the links below for a chnace to win one of these carriers:

Infant UV play shade!!!

One of these would be so perfect to have with Evie this summer!!! Follow the links below for a chance to win one!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

ERGObaby carrier from Review retreat

Follow the link for the chance to win one!!!!

ERGObaby review &giveaway @ Simple Reviews

Follow the links below for your chance to win one of the amazing carriers!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Babykicks Giveaway by Wee Little Changes!

Enter for your chance to win a Babykicks one size pocket diaper:-)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Bum Essentials from Raisingmy4sons

Follow the link below for your chnace to win a bumbino dipe!

another babykicks giveaway

Check out @raisingmy4sons blog and/or follow the link below for your chance to win ;-)

babykicks giveaway

Follow the above link for your chance to win a babykicks pocket diaper. But hurry! Giveaway ends tonight!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

BumEssentials Diapers Giveaway

Go to the link below for your chance to win this cloth diaper. I'm really interested in getting one of these because it's an AI2! Just snap in the insert and reuse the shell!

Win an Amber Teething Necklace!

I don't know about you, but I'm dying to try one of these with my little girl, and if I win it'll be just in time...becasue I think she's starting to teeth! Check out this blog for the details on the giveaway! Winner gets a necklace of their choosing from Amber Artisans!

GroVia AI2 Giveaway

Check out The Girl is a Mom Blog for details on how to win your very own!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Wina SoftBums diaper!

You pick the color/prints!

Whamies pail liner giveaway

Don't miss out, time's almost up!

lollidoo diaper with flair!

Check out Eco-Cheap mom's giveaway on her blog! Ends 5/14

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bum Essentials Giveaway on Eco-Cheap Mom's Blog

Don't miss out, only 1 day left!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Fluff Friday 77!

Check out the cloth diaper wisherer's blog for a chance to win 2 one size dipes that have just come out, BumEssentials!

The Cloth Diaper Whisperer