Friday, June 25, 2010

Grovia AIO Review

After much debate and thought about whether to purchase this diaper, I decided to go for it. My kiddo doesn't like to feel any wet-ness whatsoever, but we've been having trouble finding diapes that (I think) will actually fit her in the rise until she potty-learns... So, the GroVia AIO is pretty amazing! The stretchy wings are great, especially for my skinny, lean little girl (at 3 months old). Also this diaper is still on the smallest setting rise-wise. Which makes me HAPPY because her double & triple stuffed (HEAVY wetter!) BumGenius 3.0s diapers are on the middle & largest setting, just to fit in the rise! Maybe Evie has a strange build...? Speaking of stuffing... YOU DON'T HAVE TO! Sigh... Which really is a nice change if you're like me and have to stuff a load of pocket every day. Just snap in the extra insert, or leave it in. I leave mine in, and don't even unsnap it before it goes in the wash. It washed and dries fine just like this. I don't notice that this dipe takes very long to dry either... So, with all of that being said this is a nearly perfect diaper! I would rate it 9.5 after using for about a month:-) So if you're even remotely considering this dipe, you should go for it! You won't regret it!

1 comment:

MIG said...

I'm just starting to cloth diaper so I'm trying to learn as much as I can. Thanks for the review! :)